XML DOM Add Nodes
The examples below use the XML file
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.
Add a
node after the last child node
This example uses appendChild() to
add a child node to an existing node.
Add a node before a specified
child node
This example uses insertBefore() to insert a node before a specified child node.
Add a new attribute
This example uses the setAttribute() method to add a new attribute.
Add data to a text node
This example uses insertData() to insert data into an existing text node.
Add a Node - appendChild()
The appendChild() method adds a child node to an existing node.
The new node is added (appended) after any existing child nodes.
Note: Use insertBefore() if the position of the node is important.
The following code fragment creates an element (<edition>),
and adds it after the last child of the first
<book> element:
Example explained:
- Load "books.xml"
into xmlDoc using loadXMLDoc()
- Create a new node <edition>
- Append the node to the first <book> element
it yourself
Loop through and append an element to all <book> elements:
it yourself
Insert a Node - insertBefore()
The insertBefore() method is used to insert a node before a specified child node.
This method is useful when the position of the added node is important:
Example explained:
- Load "books.xml"
into xmlDoc using loadXMLDoc()
- Create a new element node <book>
- Insert the new node in front of the last <book> element node
Try it
If the second parameter of insertBefore() is null, the new node will be added
after the last existing child node.
x.insertBefore(newNode,null) and x.appendChild(newNode) will
both append a new child node to x.
Add a New Attribute
There is no method called addAtribute().
The setAttribute() method creates a new attribute if the attribute does
not exist:
Example explained:
- Load "books.xml"
into xmlDoc using loadXMLDoc()
- Set (create) the attribute "edition" with the value "first"
for the first <book> element
it yourself
Note: If the attribute already exists, the setAttribute()
method will overwrite the existing value.
Add Text to a Text Node - insertData()
The insertData() method inserts data into an existing
text node.
The insertData() method has two parameters:
- offset - Where to begin inserting characters (starts at zero)
- string - The string to insert
The following code fragment will add "Easy" to the text
node of the first
element of the loaded XML:
x.insertData(0,"Easy ");
Try it yourself
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