CSS Colors
Colors are displayed combining RED, GREEN, and BLUE light.
Color Values
CSS colors are defined using a hexadecimal (hex) notation for the combination of Red, Green, and Blue
color values (RGB). The lowest value that can be given to one of the light sources is 0 (hex
00). The highest value is 255 (hex FF).
Hex values are written as 3 double digit numbers, starting with a # sign.
Color |
Color HEX |
Color RGB |
#000000 |
rgb(0,0,0) |
#FF0000 |
rgb(255,0,0) |
#00FF00 |
rgb(0,255,0) |
#0000FF |
rgb(0,0,255) |
#FFFF00 |
rgb(255,255,0) |
#00FFFF |
rgb(0,255,255) |
#FF00FF |
rgb(255,0,255) |
#C0C0C0 |
rgb(192,192,192) |
rgb(255,255,255) |
16 Million Different Colors
The combination of Red, Green and Blue values from 0 to 255 gives a total of
more than 16 million different colors to play with (256 x 256 x 256).
Most modern monitors are capable of displaying at least 16384 different
If you look at the color table below, you will see the result of varying
the red light from 0 to 255, while keeping the green and blue light at zero.
To see a full list of color mixes when the red light varies from
0 to 255, click on one of the hex or rgb values below.
Red Light |
#000000 |
rgb(0,0,0) |
#080000 |
rgb(8,0,0) |
#100000 |
rgb(16,0,0) |
#180000 |
rgb(24,0,0) |
#200000 |
rgb(32,0,0) |
#280000 |
rgb(40,0,0) |
#300000 |
rgb(48,0,0) |
#380000 |
rgb(56,0,0) |
#400000 |
rgb(64,0,0) |
#480000 |
rgb(72,0,0) |
#500000 |
rgb(80,0,0) |
#580000 |
rgb(88,0,0) |
#600000 |
rgb(96,0,0) |
#680000 |
rgb(104,0,0) |
#700000 |
rgb(112,0,0) |
#780000 |
rgb(120,0,0) |
#800000 |
rgb(128,0,0) |
#880000 |
rgb(136,0,0) |
#900000 |
rgb(144,0,0) |
#980000 |
rgb(152,0,0) |
#A00000 |
rgb(160,0,0) |
#A80000 |
rgb(168,0,0) |
#B00000 |
rgb(176,0,0) |
#B80000 |
rgb(184,0,0) |
#C00000 |
rgb(192,0,0) |
#C80000 |
rgb(200,0,0) |
#D00000 |
rgb(208,0,0) |
#D80000 |
rgb(216,0,0) |
#E00000 |
rgb(224,0,0) |
#E80000 |
rgb(232,0,0) |
#F00000 |
rgb(240,0,0) |
#F80000 |
rgb(248,0,0) |
#FF0000 |
rgb(255,0,0) |
Shades of Gray
Gray colors are displayed using an equal amount of power to all of the light
sources. To make it easier for you to select the right gray color we have
compiled a table of gray shades for you:
RGB(0,0,0) |
#000000 |
RGB(8,8,8) |
#080808 |
RGB(16,16,16) |
#101010 |
RGB(24,24,24) |
#181818 |
RGB(32,32,32) |
#202020 |
RGB(40,40,40) |
#282828 |
RGB(48,48,48) |
#303030 |
RGB(56,56,56) |
#383838 |
RGB(64,64,64) |
#404040 |
RGB(72,72,72) |
#484848 |
RGB(80,80,80) |
#505050 |
RGB(88,88,88) |
#585858 |
RGB(96,96,96) |
#606060 |
RGB(104,104,104) |
#686868 |
RGB(112,112,112) |
#707070 |
RGB(120,120,120) |
#787878 |
RGB(128,128,128) |
#808080 |
RGB(136,136,136) |
#888888 |
RGB(144,144,144) |
#909090 |
RGB(152,152,152) |
#989898 |
RGB(160,160,160) |
#A0A0A0 |
RGB(168,168,168) |
#A8A8A8 |
RGB(176,176,176) |
#B0B0B0 |
RGB(184,184,184) |
#B8B8B8 |
RGB(192,192,192) |
#C0C0C0 |
RGB(200,200,200) |
#C8C8C8 |
RGB(208,208,208) |
#D0D0D0 |
RGB(216,216,216) |
#D8D8D8 |
RGB(224,224,224) |
#E0E0E0 |
RGB(232,232,232) |
#E8E8E8 |
RGB(240,240,240) |
#F0F0F0 |
RGB(248,248,248) |
#F8F8F8 |
RGB(255,255,255) |
Cross-Browser Color Names
A collection of nearly 150 color names are supported by all major
View the cross-browser color names
Web Standard Color Names
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has listed 16 valid color names for HTML
and CSS:
aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon,
navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.
If you want to use other colors, you should specify their HEX value.
Web Safe Colors?
Some years ago, when computers supported max 256 different colors, a list of
216 "Web Safe Colors" was suggested as a Web standard, reserving 40 fixed system
This is not important now, since most computers can display millions of different colors, but the choice is
left to you.
The 216 cross-browser color palette was created to ensure that all
computers would display the colors correctly when running a 256 color palette:
000000 |
000033 |
000066 |
000099 |
0000CC |
0000FF |
003300 |
003333 |
003366 |
003399 |
0033CC |
0033FF |
006600 |
006633 |
006666 |
006699 |
0066CC |
0066FF |
009900 |
009933 |
009966 |
009999 |
0099CC |
0099FF |
00CC00 |
00CC33 |
00CC66 |
00CC99 |
00CCCC |
00CCFF |
00FF00 |
00FF33 |
00FF66 |
00FF99 |
00FFCC |
00FFFF |
330000 |
330033 |
330066 |
330099 |
3300CC |
3300FF |
333300 |
333333 |
333366 |
333399 |
3333CC |
3333FF |
336600 |
336633 |
336666 |
336699 |
3366CC |
3366FF |
339900 |
339933 |
339966 |
339999 |
3399CC |
3399FF |
33CC00 |
33CC33 |
33CC66 |
33CC99 |
33CCCC |
33CCFF |
33FF00 |
33FF33 |
33FF66 |
33FF99 |
33FFCC |
33FFFF |
660000 |
660033 |
660066 |
660099 |
6600CC |
6600FF |
663300 |
663333 |
663366 |
663399 |
6633CC |
6633FF |
666600 |
666633 |
666666 |
666699 |
6666CC |
6666FF |
669900 |
669933 |
669966 |
669999 |
6699CC |
6699FF |
66CC00 |
66CC33 |
66CC66 |
66CC99 |
66CCCC |
66CCFF |
66FF00 |
66FF33 |
66FF66 |
66FF99 |
66FFCC |
66FFFF |
990000 |
990033 |
990066 |
990099 |
9900CC |
9900FF |
993300 |
993333 |
993366 |
993399 |
9933CC |
9933FF |
996600 |
996633 |
996666 |
996699 |
9966CC |
9966FF |
999900 |
999933 |
999966 |
999999 |
9999CC |
9999FF |
99CC00 |
99CC33 |
99CC66 |
99CC99 |
99CCCC |
99CCFF |
99FF00 |
99FF33 |
99FF66 |
99FF99 |
99FFCC |
99FFFF |
CC0000 |
CC0033 |
CC0066 |
CC0099 |
CC00CC |
CC00FF |
CC3300 |
CC3333 |
CC3366 |
CC3399 |
CC33CC |
CC33FF |
CC6600 |
CC6633 |
CC6666 |
CC6699 |
CC66CC |
CC66FF |
CC9900 |
CC9933 |
CC9966 |
CC9999 |
CC99CC |
CC99FF |
CCCC00 |
CCCC33 |
CCCC66 |
CCCC99 |
CCFF00 |
CCFF33 |
CCFF66 |
CCFF99 |
FF0000 |
FF0033 |
FF0066 |
FF0099 |
FF00CC |
FF00FF |
FF3300 |
FF3333 |
FF3366 |
FF3399 |
FF33CC |
FF33FF |
FF6600 |
FF6633 |
FF6666 |
FF6699 |
FF66CC |
FF66FF |
FF9900 |
FF9933 |
FF9966 |
FF9999 |
FF99CC |
FF99FF |
FFCC00 |
FFCC33 |
FFCC66 |
FFCC99 |
FFFF00 |
FFFF33 |
FFFF66 |
FFFF99 |
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