XSL-FO Tables
XSL-FO uses the <fo:table-and-caption> element to define
XSL-FO Tables
The XSL-FO table model is not very different from the HTML table model.
There are nine XSL-FO objects used to create tables:
- fo:table-and-caption
- fo:table
- fo:table-caption
- fo:table-column
- fo:table-header
- fo:table-footer
- fo:table-body
- fo:table-row
- fo:table-cell
XSL-FO uses the <fo:table-and-caption>
element to define a table. It contains a <fo:table> and an
optional <fo:caption> element.
The <fo:table> element contains optional <fo:table-column>
elements, an optional <fo:table-header> element,
a <fo:table-body> element, and an optional <fo:table-footer>
element. Each of these elements has one or more <fo:table-row> elements,
with one or more <fo:table-cell> elements:
<fo:table-column column-width="25mm"/>
<fo:table-column column-width="25mm"/>
<fo:block font-weight="bold">Car</fo:block>
<fo:block font-weight="bold">Price</fo:block>
The output from this code would something like this:
Car |
Price |
Volvo |
$50000 |
$48000 |
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