RSS <channel> Element
The RSS <channel> element describes the RSS feed.
The RSS <channel> Element
Look at the following RSS document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>W3Schools Home Page</title>
<description>Free web building tutorials</description>
<title>RSS Tutorial</title>
<description>New RSS tutorial on W3Schools</description>
As mentioned before, the <channel> element describes the RSS feed, and has three required child elements:
- <title> - Defines the title of the channel (e.g. W3Schools Home Page)
- <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the channel (e.g.
- <description> - Describes the channel (e.g. Free web building tutorials)
The <channel> element usually contains one or more <item> elements. Each <item> element defines an article
or "story" in the RSS feed.
Furthermore, there are several optional child elements of <channel>. We will
explain the most important ones below.
The <category> Element
The <category> child element is used to specify a category for your feed.
The <category> element makes it possible for RSS aggregators to group sites
based on category.
The category for the RSS document above could be:
<category>Web development</category>
The <copyright> Element
The <copyright> child element notifies about copyrighted material.
The copyright for the RSS document above could be:
<copyright>2006 Refsnes Data as. All rights reserved.</copyright>
The <image> Element
The <image> child element allows an image to be displayed when
aggregators present a feed.
The <image> element has three required child elements:
- <url> - Defines the URL to the image
- <title> - Defines the text to display if the image could not be
- <link> - Defines the hyperlink to the website that offers the channel
The image for the RSS document above could be:
The <language> Element
The <language> child element is used to specify the language used to
write your document.
The <language> element makes it possible for RSS aggregators to group sites
based on language.
The language for the RSS document above could be:
RSS <channel> Reference
Element |
Description |
<category> |
Optional. Defines one or more categories for the feed |
<cloud> |
Optional. Register processes to be notified immediately of
updates of the feed |
<copyright> |
Optional. Notifies about copyrighted material |
<description> |
Required. Describes the channel |
<docs> |
Optional. Specifies an URL to the documentation of the format
used in the feed |
<generator> |
Optional. Specifies the program used to generate the feed |
<image> |
Optional. Allows an image to be displayed when aggregators
present a feed |
<language> |
Optional. Specifies the language the feed is written in |
<lastBuildDate> |
Optional. Defines the last-modified date of the content of the feed |
<link> |
Required. Defines the hyperlink to the channel |
<managingEditor> |
Optional. Defines the e-mail address to the editor of the
content of the feed |
<pubDate> |
Optional. Defines the last publication date for the content of the
feed |
<rating> |
Optional. The PICS rating of the feed |
<skipDays> |
Optional. Specifies the days where aggregators should skip updating the feed |
<skipHours> |
Optional. Specifies the hours where aggregators should skip updating the feed |
<textInput> |
Optional. Specifies a text input field that should be displayed
with the feed |
<title> |
Required. Defines the title of the channel |
<ttl> |
Optional. Specifies the number of minutes the feed can stay cached
before refreshing it from the source |
<webMaster> |
Optional. Defines the e-mail address to the webmaster of the
feed |
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