DHTML JavaScript
JavaScript can create dynamic HTML content:
JavaScript Alone
If you have studied JavaScript, you already know that the statement:
can be used to display dynamic content to a web page.
Using JavaScript to display the current date:
<script type="text/javascript">
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JavaScript and the HTML DOM
With HTML 4, JavaScript can also be used to change the inner content and
attributes of HTML elements dynamically.
To change the content of an HTML element use:
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML=new HTML
To change the attribute of an HTML element use:
document.getElementById(id).attribute=new value
You will learn more about JavaScript and the HTML DOM in the next chapter of
this tutorial.
JavaScript and HTML Events
New to HTML 4 is the ability to let HTML events trigger actions in the
browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element.
To execute code when a user clicks on an element, use the following event
You will learn more about JavaScript and HTML Events in a later chapter.
JavaScript and CSS
With HTML 4, JavaScript can also be used to change the style of HTML
To change the style of an HTML element use:
document.getElementById(id).style.property=new style
You will learn more about JavaScript and CSS in a later chapter of this
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