ASP Content Rotator (ASP 3.0)
The Content Rotator Component
This component displays a different HTML content string each time a user visits or refreshes the page.
ASP Content Rotator Component
The ASP Content Rotator component creates a ContentRotator object that displays a
different HTML content string each time a user enters or refreshes a page. A
text file, called the Content Schedule File, includes the information about the content strings.
The content strings can contain HTML tags so you can display any type
of content that HTML can represent: text, images, colors, or hyperlinks.
Set cr=Server.CreateObject( "MSWC.ContentRotator" )
%> |
The following example displays a different content each time a user views
the Web page. Create a text file named "textads.txt" in your default Web Site folder, in a subfolder called text.
%% #1
This is a great day!!
%% #2
%% #3
<img src="smiley.gif">
%% #4
Here's a <a href="">link.</a> |
Notice the #number at the beginning of each content string. This number is
an optional parameter that indicates the relative weight of the HTML content
string. In this example, the Content Rotator will display the first content
string one-tenth of the time, the second string two-tenths of the time, the
third string three-tenths of the time, and the fourth string four-tenths of
the time.
Then, create an ASP file, and insert the following code:
set cr=server.createobject("MSWC.ContentRotator")
</html> |
The ASP Content Rotator Component's methods are described below:
Method |
Description |
Example |
ChooseContent |
Gets and displays a content string |
dim cr
Set cr=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.ContentRotator")
GetAllContent |
Retrieves and displays all of the content strings in the text file |
dim cr
Set cr=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.ContentRotator")
This is a great day!!
Here's a link.
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