ADO BOF and EOF Properties
Complete Recordset Object Reference
The BOF property returns True (-1) if the current record position is
before the first record in the Recordset, otherwise it returns False (0).
The EOF property returns True (-1) if the current record position is
after the last record in the Recordset, otherwise it returns False (0).
Note: The BOF and EOF properties are set to True if you open an empty Recordset.
RecordCount property is zero.
Note: If a Recordset holds at least one record, the first record is the current
and the BOF and EOF properties are False.
set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
sql="SELECT Companyname, Contactname FROM Customers"
rs.Open sql, conn
<table border="1" width="100%">
<%while rs.EOF=false%>
<%for each x in rs.Fields%>
Complete Recordset Object Reference
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