ADO WillConnect, ConnectComplete, and Disconnect Events
Complete Connection Object Reference
An event is a subroutine that can be called automatically after a specific
operation has occurred.
- The WillConnect event can be fired before a connection starts.
- The ConnectComplete event can be fired after a connection starts.
- The Disconnect event can be fired after a connection ends.
WillConnect ConnectionString,userid,psword,options,status,objcon
ConnectComplete objerror,status,objconn
Disconnect status,objconn
Parameter |
Description |
ConnectionString |
A string that contains the information required for the
userid |
A string that contains the user name for the connection
psword |
A string that contains the password for the connection
options |
A long value that specifies how the provider should
evaluate the ConnectionString. Can only be set to adAsyncOpen
objerror |
An Error object that contains the errors that occurred
Note: The EventStatusEnum value must be set to
adStatusErrorsOccurred to create the Error object
status |
An EventStatusEnum value.
Default is adStatusOK
However, when the ConnectComplete event is called, this parameter is set to adStatusCancel
IF a WillConnect event calls for cancelling of the pending connection
objconn |
The Connection object that fired the event
EventStatusEnum Values
Constant |
Value |
Description |
adStatusOK |
1 |
The operation that fired the event was successful |
adStatusErrorsOccurred |
2 |
The operation that fired the event failed |
adStatusCantDeny |
3 |
Cannot cancel the pending operation |
adStatusCancel |
4 |
Cancels the operation that fired the event |
adStatusUnwantedEvent |
5 |
Prevents subsequent notifications before the event method has finished
executing |
Complete Connection Object Reference
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