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W3Schools Statistics

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W3Schools is the largest WEB DEVELOPERS SITE on the Internet.


Monthly Page Views

Month Page Views Visitors
January 2008 81,768,558 11,571,428


Average pages viewed per visitor 7 pages
Average visitor repeat rate 37.9 %
Average visiting time per visitor 6:40 minutes

Visitors Demographics

Origin Percent
United States 42.1 %
India 10.1 %
United Kingdom 8.0 %
Canada 4.7 %
Netherlands 2.5 %
Australia 2.3 %
Germany 2.0 %
Sweden 1.7 %
France 1.7 %
Spain 1.4 %
Italy 1.3 %
Singapore 1.3 %
Brazil 1.2 %
Philippines 1.1 %
Hong Kong 1.1 %
Poland 1.0 %
Malaysia 0.9 %
Finland 0.9 %
China 0.9 %
Belgium 0.9 %
Israel 0.9 %
Romania 0.8 %
Norway 0.8 %
Denmark 0.8 %
South Africa 0.8 %
Turkey 0.6 %
Taiwan 0.6 %
Portugal 0.6 %
Japan 0.6 %
Hungary 0.5 %
Thailand 0.5 %
Switzerland 0.5 %
Pakistan 0.4 %
Vietnam 0.4 %
Ireland 0.4 %
Russian Fed 0.4 %
Mexico 0.4 %
Czech 0.4 %
Indonesia 0.3 %
Egypt 0.3 %
Greece 0.3 %
Bulgaria 0.3 %
Slovenia 0.3 %
Korea Rep 0.3 %
Austria 0.3 %
New Zealand 0.3 %
Iran 0.2 %
Yugoslavia 0.2 %
Slovakia 0.2 %

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