Published on 2020-10-25. Modified on 2023-10-18.

Table of contents

What is the font you're using on the website?

This website uses your browser's monospace font for the body and its sans-serif font for headlines.

Will you put my ad on your website?


Can I pay you to write about my commercial product?


Can I pay you to put my writing about my commercial product on your website?


Your RSS feed is broken, it doesn't contain the article, can you please fix it?

The RSS 2.0 specification doesn't require the main article to be a part of the RSS feed and I don't believe it should be as the feed reader isn't a web browser.

Are you using some blog software and theme that you found, or is everything custom made?

I write HTML and CSS by hand. Please see: Come full circle - back to HTML.

What is your workflow?

Please see: Come full circle - back to HTML

What do you recommend for a secure smartphone?

There is no such thing.

What do you recommend for secure email?

None of the public services. I recommend that you setup your own email server.

What do you recommend for privacy respecting DNS?

None of the public services. I recommend that you setup your own recursive resolver. Even if you only have a single laptop, you can still setup a recursive resolver on that and then send all DNS queries to I recommend Unbound.

What operating system do you recommend for storage or NAS?

FreeBSD with ZFS.