From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

XSL-FO region-body Object


Definition and Usage

The <fo:region-body> object defines the body region of a page.

XSL-FO uses the following elements to define the regions of a page:

Note: region-before, region-after, region-start, and region-end is a part of the region-body. To avoid text in the region-body to overwrite text in the other regions, the region-body must have margins at least the size of these regions.

Tip: To provide multiple columns in the region-body set the column-count property to greater than 1!

Note: If the overflow property has the value of "scroll", you cannot specify a column-count other than 1!

Note: According to version 1.0 of the XSL-FO Recommendation, the padding and border-width properties must be 0.




Property [A-B] Property [C-Z]
background-attachment clip
background-color column-count
background-image column-gap
background-repeat display-align
background-position-horizontal end-indent
background-position-vertical margin-bottom
border-after-color margin-left
border-after-style margin-right
border-after-width margin-top
border-before-color overflow
border-before-style padding-after
border-before-width padding-before
border-bottom-color padding-bottom
border-bottom-style padding-end
border-bottom-width padding-left
border-end-color padding-right
border-end-style padding-start
border-end-width padding-top
border-left-color region-name
border-left-style reference-orientation
border-left-width space-after
border-right-color space-before
border-right-style writing-mode

Example 1

XSL-FO uses page templates called "Page Masters" to define the layout of  pages. Each template must have a unique name:

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="intro">
  <fo:region-body margin="5in" />
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="left">
  <fo:region-body margin-left="2in" margin-right="3in" />
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="right">
  <fo:region-body margin-left="3in" margin-right="2in" />

In the example above, three <fo:simple-page-master> elements, define three different templates. Each template (page-master) has a different name.

The first template is called "intro". It could be used as a template for introduction pages.

The second and third templates are called "left" and "right". They could be used as templates for even and odd page numbers.

Example 2

This is an extract from an XSL-FO document:

<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4"
 page-width="297mm" page-height="210mm"
 margin-top="1cm"   margin-bottom="1cm"
 margin-left="1cm"  margin-right="1cm">
  <fo:region-body   margin="3cm"/>
  <fo:region-before extent="2cm"/>
  <fo:region-after  extent="2cm"/>
  <fo:region-start  extent="2cm"/>
  <fo:region-end    extent="2cm"/>

The code above defines a "Simple Page Master Template" with the name "A4".

The width of the page is 297 millimeters and the height is 210 millimeters.

The top, bottom, left, and right margins of the page are all 1 centimeter.

The body has a 3 centimeter margin (on all sides).

The before, after, start, and end regions (of the body) are all 2 centimeters.

The width of the body in the example above can be calculated by subtracting the left and right margins and the region-body margins from the width of the page itself:

297mm - (2 x 1cm) - (2 x 3cm) = 297mm - 20mm - 60mm = 217mm.

Note that the regions (region-start and region-end) are not a part of the calculation. As described earlier, these regions are parts of the body.


From (Copyright Refsnes Data)