From (Copyright Refsnes Data)
Notice that WMLScripts are not embedded in WML pages. The WML pages only contains references to script URLs.
In the example below; if you select the go label the external script will direct you to
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ""> <wml>
<card id="no1" title="Go to URL">
<do type="options" label="Go">
<go href="check.wmls#go_url('W3Schools')"/>
The red line above contains a reference to a WMLScript. The script is in a file called check.wmls, and the name of the function is go_url.
Here is the WML page called check.wmls:
extern function go_url(the_url)
if (the_url=="W3Schools")
Note that the function is using the extern keyword. When using this keyword the function can be called by other functions or WML events outside the .wmls file. To keep a function private, drop the extern keyword.
From (Copyright Refsnes Data)