From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

RSS Readers

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An RSS Reader is used to read RSS Feeds!

RSS readers are available for many different devices and OS.

RSS Readers

There are a lot of different RSS readers. Some work as web services, and some are limited to windows (or Mac, PDA or UNIX). Here are a few I have tried and liked:

Tip: The Mozilla Firefox browser has a built-in RSS Reader. If you go to a web site that offers RSS feeds, you will see the Firefox RSS icon in the address bar. Click on the icon to view a list of the different feeds. Choose the feed you want to read.

I have an RSS Reader. Now what?

Click on the little RSS Logo or XML Logo button next to the RSS feed you want to read. Copy The URL you get in the browser window and paste it in your RSS reader.

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From (Copyright Refsnes Data)