From (Copyright Refsnes Data)
The <object> element can play Real Video movies.
The RealVideo format is developed by Real Media. Videos stored in the Real Video format have the extension .rm or .ram.
The format allows streaming of video (on-line video, Internet TV) with low bandwidths. Because of the low bandwidth priority, quality is often reduced.
This is the code required to play a Real Video movie:
<object width="320" height="240" classid="clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA"> <param name="controls" value="ImageWindow" /> <param name="autostart" value="true" /> <param name="src" value="male.ram" /> </object> |
The width and height attributes of the object element should match the size of the movie in pixels.
The classid attribute uniquely identifies the player software to use. It must be set to "clsid:CFCDAA03-8BE4-11cf-B84B-0020AFBBCCFA". This unique code identifies an ActiveX control that must be installed on the users PC before the movie can be played. If the user does not have the ActiveX control installed, the browser can automatically download and install it.
The param elements supply additional information to the player.
The src parameter should point to the movie (or audio) file.
The autostart parameter should have the value "true" if you want the movie to play automatically.
The controls parameter should have the value "ImageWindow" if you don't want the control buttons to show, or "All" if you want all the controls to show.
Attribute | Defines |
classid | A unique id for the object. |
height | The height of the object in pixels or %. |
width | The width of the object in pixels or in %. |
Attribute | Defines |
src | The source of a RealAudio or RealVideo clip. |
controls | The visibility of the controls. (See below) |
console | A console name to link multiple controls. |
autostart | Automatic start. (true | false). |
nolabels | Suppression of label texts in the controls window. |
reset | Resetting the control for playlist. (true | false). |
autogotoURL | How a URL is handled. (true | false) True forwards URL event to the browser. False uses VBScript event instead. |
Value | Displays |
All | Displays a full player with all controls. |
InfoVolumePanel | Title, author, and copyright and volume slider. |
InfoPanel | Title, author, and copyright. |
ControlPanel | Position slider, play, pause, and stop buttons. |
StatusPanel | Messages, current time position, and clip length. |
PlayButton | Play and pause buttons. |
StopButton | Stop button. |
VolumeSlider | Volume slider. |
PositionField | Position and clip length. |
StatusField | Messages. |
ImageWindow | The video image |
StatusBar | Status, position and channels. |
From (Copyright Refsnes Data)