From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

HTML DOM Screen Object

Screen Object

The Screen object is actually a JavaScript object, not an HTML DOM object..

The Screen object is automatically created by the JavaScript runtime engine and contains information about the client's display screen.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera.

Screen Object Properties

Property Description IE  F O
availHeight Returns the height of the display screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) 4 1 9
availWidth Returns the width of the display screen (excluding the Windows Taskbar) 4 1 9
bufferDepth Sets or returns the bit depth of the color palette in the off-screen bitmap buffer 4 No No
colorDepth Returns the bit depth of the color palette on the destination device or buffer 4 1 9
deviceXDPI Returns the number of horizontal dots per inch of the display screen 6 No No
deviceYDPI Returns the number of vertical dots per inch of the display screen 6 No No
fontSmoothingEnabled Returns whether the user has enabled font smoothing in the display control panel 4 No No
height The height of the display screen 4 1 9
logicalXDPI Returns the normal number of horizontal dots per inch of the display screen 6 No No
logicalYDPI Returns the normal number of vertical dots per inch of the display screen 6 No No
pixelDepth Returns the color resolution (in bits per pixel) of the display screen No 1 9
updateInterval Sets or returns the update interval for the screen 4 No No
width Returns width of the display screen 4 1 9

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)