From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

HTML DOM Option Object

Option Object

The Option object represents an option in a dropdown list in an HTML form.

For each instance of an <option> tag in an HTML form, an Option object is created.

You can access an Option object by searching through the elements[] array of the form, or by using document.getElementById().

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard).

Option Object Properties

Property Description IE F O W3C
defaultSelected Returns the default value of the selected attribute 4 1 9 Yes
disabled Sets or returns whether or not an option should be disabled 4 1 9 Yes
form Returns a reference to the form that contains an option 4 1 9 Yes
id Sets or returns the id of an option 4 1 9 Yes
index Returns the index position of an option in a dropdown list 4 1 9 Yes
label Sets or returns a label for an option (only for option-groups) 6     Yes
selected Sets or returns the value of the selected attribute 4 1 9 Yes
text Sets or returns the text value of an option 4 1 9 Yes
value Sets or returns the value to be sent to the server 4 1 9 Yes

Standard Properties

Property Description IE  F O W3C
className Sets or returns the class attribute of an element 5 1 9 Yes
dir Sets or returns the direction of text 5 1 9 Yes
lang Sets or returns the language code for an element 5 1 9 Yes
title Sets or returns an element's advisory title 5 1 9 Yes

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)