From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

E4X Example

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E4X makes scripting for XML very simple.

E4X Example

As an example, we will work with an XML document that represents an order.

The XML document looks like this:


If we had this XML document stored in a string called txt, we could load it into an XML object variable called order, by writing the following JavaScript statement:

var order = new XML(txt)

Or we could assign the XML text directly to the XML object variable:

var order = new XML()
order=<order id="555">

Working With the Data

Calculate the price:

var total=order.item.qty * order.item.price

Display the customers full name:


Add a new item:


Display the order id:

document.write([email protected])

Calculate the total price, when the order has many items:

var price=0
for each (i in order.item)
  price+= i.qty*i.price

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From (Copyright Refsnes Data)