From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

.NET Mobile

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.NET Mobile Tutorial


In this tutorial you will learn about .NET Mobile.

This tutorial is about how to develop mobile applications with an extension to the .NET Framework, called the Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit (MMIT) or simply .NET Mobile.

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Table of contents

.NET Mobile Introduction
This chapter explains what ASP.NET Mobile is, and how it can be used.

.NET Mobile Example
This simple example demonstrates the power of ASP.NET Mobile.

.NET Mobile Emulators
This chapter describes some emulators that can be used to test mobile applications.

.NET Mobile Forms
This chapter explains the use of mobile forms.

.NET Mobile Events
This chapter explains the use of events in mobile forms.

.NET Mobile Input
This chapter explains the use of mobile input controls.

.NET Mobile Validation
This chapter explains the use of mobile input validation.

.NET Mobile Lists
This chapter explains the use of the mobile list control.

.NET Mobile Selection
This chapter explains the use of the mobile selection list control.

.NET Mobile Images
This chapter explains the use of the mobile image control.

.NET Mobile Utilities
This chapter explains the use of the mobile utilities controls, like the AdRotator and the PhoneCall controls.

.NET Mobile Reference
This is a complete reference to all mobile control objects, including properties, methods and events.

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From (Copyright Refsnes Data)