From (Copyright Refsnes Data)
The nodeValue property is used to change a node value.
The setAttribute() method is used to change an attribute value.
The examples below use the XML file
A function, loadXMLDoc(), in an external JavaScript is used to load the XML file.
an elements text node
This example uses the nodeValue property to change the text node of the first <title>
element in "books.xml".
Change an
attributes value using setAttribute
This example uses the setAttribute() method to change the value of the "category"
attribute of the first <book>.
Change an attributes value
using nodeValue
This example use the nodeValue property to change the value of the "category"
attribute of the first <book>.
In the DOM, everything is a node. Element nodes does not have a text value.
The text of an element node is stored in a child node. This node is called a text node.
The way to change the text of an element, is to change the value of the child node (text node).
The nodeValue property can be used to change the value of a text node.
The following code changes the text node value of the first <title> element:
xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("books.xml"); x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].childNodes[0]; x.nodeValue="Easy Cooking"; |
Example explained:
Loop through and change the text node of all <title> elements:
it yourself
In the DOM, attributes are nodes. Unlike element nodes, attribute nodes have text values.
The way to change the value of an attribute, is to change its text value.
This can be done using the setAttribute() method or using the nodeValue property of the attribute node.
The setAttribute() method changes the value of an existing attribute, or creates a new attribute.
The following code changes the category attribute of the <book> element:
xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("books.xml"); x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('book'); x[0].setAttribute("category","food"); |
Example explained:
Loop through all <title> elements and add a new attribute: Try it yourself
Note: If the attribute does not exist, a new attribute is created
(with the name and value specified).
The nodeValue property can be used to change the value of a attribute node:
xmlDoc=loadXMLDoc("books.xml"); x=xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("book")[0] y=x.getAttributeNode("category"); y.nodeValue="food"; |
Example explained:
From (Copyright Refsnes Data)