From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

CSS quotes Property

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference


The quotes property sets the type of quotation marks for embedded quotations.

Inherited: Yes

JavaScript Syntax

CSS properties can also be dynamically changed with a JavaScript.

Scripting Syntax:"none"

In our HTML DOM tutorial you can find more details about the quotes property.

In our HTML DOM tutorial you can also find a full Style Object Reference.


Example 1

quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'"

the style above and the following HTML file:

<html lang="en">
<p><q>This is a <q>big</q> quote</q></p>

would produce this output:

"This is a 'big' quote"

Example 2

quotes: "«" "»" "'" "'"

the style above and the following HTML file:

<html lang="no">
<p><q>Vi synger <q>Mellom bakkar og berg</q> på 17.mai.</q>

would produce this output:

«Vi synger 'Mellom bakkar og berg' på 17.mai.»

Possible Values

Value Description
none Specifies that the "open-quote" and "close-quote" values of the "content" property will not produce any quotation marks
string string string string Defines the quotation marks to use. The first two values specifies the first level of quotation embedding, the next two values specifies the next level of quote embedding, etc

Quotation Mark Characters

Result Description Entity Number
" double quote &#34;
' single quote &#39;
single, left angle quote &#8249;
single, right angle quote &#8250;
« double, left angle quote &#171;
» double, right angle quote &#187;
left quote (single high-6) &#8216;
right quote (single high-9) &#8217;
left quote (double high-6) &#8220;
right quote (double high-9) &#8221;
double quote (double low-9) &#8222;

Try-It-Yourself Demos

Changes the quotation marks on a page
This example demonstrates how to change the quotation marks on a page.

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)