From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

CSS clear Property

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference


Image and text elements that appear in another element are called floating elements.

The clear property sets the sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed.

Inherited: No

JavaScript Syntax

CSS properties can also be dynamically changed with a JavaScript.

Scripting Syntax:"left"

In our HTML DOM tutorial you can find more details about the clear property.

In our HTML DOM tutorial you can also find a full Style Object Reference.


clear: right

clear: both

Possible Values

Value Description
left No floating elements allowed on the left side
right No floating elements allowed on the right side
both No floating elements allowed on either the left or the right side
none Default. Allows floating elements on both sides

Try-It-Yourself Demos

Clear the sides of an element
This example demonstrates how clear the sides of other floating elements.

CSS Reference Complete CSS Reference

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)